The Revo-Rama tests Thermo, BPM and Nokia’s Sleep for monitoring your sleep pattern, temperature and blood pressure! (video and some off topics on e-health)

Are you in a hurry? Just for you, a quick overview of this feature with the Revo-Rama minute! ?

After the Activité Pop watch and the Smart Body Analyzer weighing scales, we tested the smart Thermo thermometer and the BPM blood pressure monitor…

There’s a lot of talk about e-health, but there aren’t many start-ups that have made a name for themselves. Whether they deserve it or not, this is the case of Withings, who after having been bought by Nokia, took on another name as all of the products we tested here are “rebrandings”. What will happen now that it’s Nokia’s turn to sell (launching one single production, Nokia Sleep) either to one of the original founders of Withings, or to another buyer? Clearly while the brand is strong (efficient marketing) and somewhat synonymous with French tech, the business model can’t be very strong or this company wouldn’t be in trouble.

It should be noted that they quickly launched a range of varied products around e-health. While these are not actually medical devices (unlike the smart pill box) we have to admit that they’re pretty comprehensive and interesting in the vital signs monitoring category. They can follow the number of steps (Activité Pop, which I chose to exchange for the Apple Watch Series 2 which has apparently already saved lives), your weight (Smart Body Analyzer), your temperature (Thermo), and your blood pressure (BPM). All of this data is then centralised on the Nokia Health application (but we don’t know why Thermo has its own app) and, if you wish, Apple Health. We tested the latter two before choosing Nokia Sleep.

Thermo is very practical as it allows you to take your temperature (and that of the whole family) using a hygienic temporal sensor. The temporal artery is considered as one of the best means of measuring variations in temperature, as the inflow of blood arrives directly from the heart. It is equipped with 16 sensors to take over 4000 measurements in 2 seconds and to find the hottest point of the temporal artery. What surprised me the most was the speed with which it displays the temperature… No more holding the thermometer up the rear end for several minutes. That alone should be enough to make everyone appreciate it. If you have a temperature the application will even give you some advice, and you’ll have the info you need when the doctor asks you how the temperature is progressing. In short it’s a useful purchase, if a bit expensive, as it costs around a hundred euro which will put some people off (it’s one of the main problems with getting involved in e-health: the cost!).

As to the smart blood pressure monitor, it won’t be as easy to use if you suffer from hypertension or if have health issues requiring you to monitor your blood pressure. For all that, we’ve all had an episode at the doctor’s when our blood pressure is high and we’ve been advised to have it monitored by a chemist (who does that?). We don’t know if it’s the white coat syndrome or if we really had high blood pressure, because it disappears as quickly as it appeared. The smart blood pressure monitor will provide you with the answer.

Check out our tests of THERMO and BPM in this video episode of the Revo-Rama!


Family test of the Nokia Health smart objects


Unboxing THERMO and BPM, Withings/Nokia smart objects


Unboxing THERMO and BPM, Withings/Nokia smart objects


Unboxing THERMO Nokia’s smart thermometer


Unboxing THERMO Nokia’s smart thermometer


Unboxing THERMO Nokia’s smart thermometer


Taking the temperature with THERMO the smart thermometer and the Nokia Thermo application


Taking the temperature with THERMO the smart thermometer and the Nokia Thermo application


Taking the temperature with THERMO the smart thermometer and the Nokia Thermo application


Unboxing the BPM – Nokia’s smart blood pressure monitor


Updating BPM with the Nokia Health Mater application


Blood pressure monitoring with BPM and Nokia Health Mate


Blood pressure monitoring with BPM and Nokia Health Mate


Blood pressure monitoring with BPM and Nokia Health Mate


Blood pressure monitoring with BPM and Nokia Health Mate

So are we finally going to know all about our sleep pattern with Nokia Sleep?

We’ve been waiting impatiently for this smart object and I had been looking at vaguely similar competitive solutions. Who has never found themselves exhausted in the morning? We’re always being told that we sleep badly and not enough. Is that true? Nokia Sleep would tell all.

You just need to place it under your mattress and plug it in (continuously). For the rest, it will connect to Wifi once the configuration and adjustment stage is completed. It promises to measure your movements, your snoring and even your heartbeat. In the end, the application tells you your cycles (awake, light, deep and paradoxical sleep), the length of your night, a note and some advice.

No surprise to find that I had a few bad nights, with a sleep pattern that is not always deep. Fair enough. I sometimes get up a few times during the night, that’s true (the application doesn’t always give the primary reason for getting up – going to the bathroom, are they being prudish? Strange.) However I noticed that one night it said that I had been up for 2 hours. So either I sleep walk (and I know that I don’t) or I moved a lot in my bed. In short, it’s not 100% reliable but it provides some very interesting information.

Our video test of Nokia Sleep in this episode of the Revo-Rama!


Family test of Nokia Sleep, the last born of my e-health range


Unboxing Nokia Sleep


Unboxing Nokia Sleep


Unboxing Nokia Sleep


Unboxing Nokia Sleep


Unboxing Nokia Sleep


Configuration of Nokia Sleep thanks to the Health Mate application


Aggregating data in the Nokia Health Mate application


Nokia Sleep in the Nokia Health Mate application


Nokia Sleep in the Nokia Health Mate application


Nokia Sleep in the Nokia Health Mate application

So now the questions are: what are the real benefits of these products? What should we do with all of the data centralised on the Apple Health app? What advice or coaching will I be given? What signals could be produced on my health? (for the moment, only the Apple Watch got excited with my heart beat while I was listening to music… sitting down ? ). Moreover my doctor has never asked for this information, but this may be different for chronic patients, hypertension for example. Could they be centralised in our DMP (shared medical file)? Will the professionals be proactive in case of problems? Will they help to democratise telemedicine? We were also thinking about big data, all this data stored by Nokia and Apple, anonymously we hope, will it be used in one way or another for health studies or surveys? What about the reliability of these machines, are they really better than the ones we used before? What about blood samples, will we be able to avoid the traditional blood tests?

So many questions to be answered, before the masses adopt e-health, which can only happen with strong input from public authorities, hopefully with French and European stakeholders at the top of the tree. The result is better health and probably savings for our health system… but let’s watch out for Big Brother.


Apple Health application on iOS


Apple Health application on iOS

So what do you think about e-health, the Withings products, and Nokia Sleep in particular?

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