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Revo-Rama 2.0 tests programming with Minecraft and Sphero’s SPRK + (video)


(You can choose French or English subtitles on Youtube)

The conviction that learning to program is a necessity

Even back when I was a child, computer learning should have been a real priority. For sure, in the 90s I had some “Basic” courses, but nothing that was either motivating or of any real value. Whereas I was having fun on computers and videogames at home, these courses were rather boring.

Has it really changed over 20 years later? Yes and no. Yes because digital has imposed itself (who could deny that now?) and different initiatives are being taken to make learning code more accessible: with Orange for example with SuperCoders, the coding workshop which we saw at the Paris Games Week or the many books on the subject. And no, because my daughters in primary school have still not had a class worthy of the name (learning to type in Word is useful, but…). When I see that digital has such a poor place in the programs of the French presidential candidates, I can see that it’s not going to change in a hurry.

As they were interested (especially Léopoldine) we decided to test two topics:

Discover the book “Learn to program Python with Minecraft” and SPRK+ in this video episode of the Revo-Rama!

The Revo-Rama family tests SPRK+ of Sphero

The Revo-Rama family tests the book “Learn to code Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

“Learn to program with Minecraft” from Eyrolles Editions. From the Python to the breadboard and the Arduino

We started with a French translation of this book. It provide an approach to Python by explaining the A to Z basics using fun examples.

The highlight is the use of electronic components to interact with your own programs and Minecraft. A little like connected toys.

Unfortunately the book lost us at times, and I fear that a child could’nt manage without help from an adult with some basic knowledge. An excuse for some family time.

Check out our programs and circuits according to the book, in this video episode of the Revo-Rama!

Léopoldine’s first program with “Learning to Code in Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

The book “Learning to Code in Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

The electronic pack required for the book “Learn to code in Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

A 7-segment display for Leopoldine’s first programs with “Learn to code in Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

The first electronic tests on the Arduino with “Learn to code in Python with Minecraft – Eyrolles”

SPRK +. Programming in the form of drawings, blocks and … lines of code

Even more fun, SPRK+ works on the same principle as BB-8. It is a spherel (this one is transparent), full of sensors, which can move forward, turn, light up, change color and speak (through a smartphone) according to your orders.

It is controlled through your iPhone, and that is where you can view the tutorials and try programming along several principles:

So there are several levels of difficulty which is a good idea. In addition, the blocks enable us to understand the customs and practices of programming.

Only negative point at the moment (for French users obviously), everything is in English.

Discover SPRK+ on video in this episode of the Revo-Rama!

Sphero’s SPRK+ is completely transparent

The SPRK Lightning Lab application: drawings to start off with

The SPRK Lightning Lab application: blocks to get further into the topic

Léopoldine’s first test with SPRK+

We enjoyed using these tools and I think that Léopoldine would like to continue to learn.

We like these initiatives that make programming more accessible, languages that mustn’t remain behind the obscure “scary” codes. As we said for music with the ROLI Blocks, any initiatives to create simple creative interfaces is welcome.

Discover our first creations in this video episode of the Revo-Rama!

Hello Kaya! The cat wants to play with SPRK+? She already loves BB-8.

What do you think about this episode of Revo-Rama, Sphero SPRK+ and programming with Minecraft?

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